Family matters
Contact for daycare and pre-school:
Johanna Kärkkäinen, tel. +358 50 505 4277

Support for families
Home care allowance from Kela
can apply home care allowance if their child is under 3 years of age
and not in day care organised or supported by municipality. Either of the
parents can care for the child at home. The home care allowance
(kotihoidon tuki) consists of care allowance and care supplement.
Depending on family’s place of domicile, family may also receive a
municipal supplement (kuntalisä) to the allowance.
Home care allowance may be applied when there is at least one child under the age of three in the family and the child is not in municipal daycare. For more information on the amount, terms and conditions for applying for home care allowance, please visit Kela's website.