Invest Kauhava Working in Kauhava Everyday matters

Everyday Matters


There is a couple of big supermarket chains in Finland that both have their own bonus cards. K-group has Plussa and S-group has S-etukortti. You don't need to get one but you will be asked at the counter for it to get special offers and discounts.
Marketin vihannesosastolla banaaneja.
In grocery store, remember to weigh and price your fruit and vegatables yourself (except in Lidl they do it at the counter). To pack you shoppings you need to buy a plastic bag from the counter or bring your own bag. Always do your own packing in grocery stores (as quickly as possible).

You can buy clothes from local super markets (Tokmanni, Halpa-Halli) or second hand stores (kirpputori), which are Aarrekammio located in commercial centre Vallesmanni, and Lähetyskirpputori located near to the church.


Opening a bank account as soon as you can is essential not only to receive your salary but it is also a handy tool for different online identification purposes.

You will need to visit the bank personally and usually book an appointment beforehand. Following documents are usually needed:
  • passport
  • residence permit from non-EU citizens
  • work contract (recommended)
  • Finnish personal ID code (When you are granted a residence permit or a residence card or your right of residence is registered by the Finnish Immigration Service, your personal information will automatically be recorded in the Finnish Population Information System. You will also be issued a personal identity code.)

List of the banks operating in Kauhava:
Pop-Pankki, Kauppatie 86
Ylihärmän Säästöpankki, Kauppatie 71
Nordea Bank, Kauppatie 66


In Kauhava there are two pharmacies:

Kauhavan 1. apteekki, Kauppatie 77 B

Kauhavan Kirkonkylän Apteekki, Kauppatie 86

Winter conditions

The winter in the region typically lasts from November to March. Average winter temperature is between 0 and -10 Celsius. Usually, there are some colder days in January and February when temperature goes down to -20-30 degrees. Houses are well insulated and heated with double or triple glazing. So, nothing to worry about but you might want to check how to dress for winter in Finland.

Keep in mind that the streets and roads can be quite slippery in winter.


Cycling or walking is quite popular in Finland. Many people cycle around the year. Wearing a helmet is compulsory and you must have a lamp in the front and back of your bike when you cycle in the dark (during winter there might be only 5 hours day light). In winter studded tires are recommended.

In Kauhava, it is not obligatory to have your own car if you live close to the city center and the services are close. But the distances are quite long even within the Kauhava region. From Kauhava to Alahärmä or Kortesjärvi it is 30 km, and there is no bus connection.

If you buy a car, you need to register it and have an insurance for it. More information on Traficom's web site. Traficom is the Finnish Transport and Communications Agency.

For winter you need studded tires to drive safely on slippery roads. According to Finnish Law, studded tires need to be used in November, December, January, February and March if the weather conditions demand. Another thing to remember is that your car might need heating in winter if the temperature drops under -8 Celsius and to take some extra time in the morning to scrape the ice off the car window.


Kauhavan Taksiasema
Fransuntie 4, Kauhava
tel. +358 100 85 555

Public transportation

Train connections are good in Kauhava. There are two stations; Kauhava which operates through the year, and Härmä which operates in summer time serving tourists visiting the PowerPark.

VR, Valtion rautatiet,, Valtion rautatiet,  is a government-owned railway company in Finland.

Buss connections are arranged by Matkahuolto.